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The Importance Of The Entourage Effect 

Synthetic THC (dronabinol, marinol) has no abuse record. THC by itself typically produces an unpleasant psychoactive effect.When THC is combined with other cannabinoids and terpenes as is the case with whole-plant medicine.The psycho-activity tends to be positively modified and more pleasant. Mycrene and Limonene have millions of combinations. 


- Mycrene a terpene found in many Indica cannabis strains and mango's , will produce a sedative effect when combined with THC.

-Limonene a terpene found in many Sativa cannabis strains lemon rinds will produce a up lifting effect when combined with THC


- CBG the "mother" cannabinoid, when combined with THC provides superior pain relief than THC alone.

- CBN degraded THC, when combined with provides superior pain relief than THC alone 

- CBD is a CB1 and CB2 antagonist when combined with THC , provides superior pain relief than THC alone. 

With 15,780 documented cannabis strains 80 cannabinoids and over 500 terpenes, there are millions of potential combinations of cannabinoid and terpene compounds, each having its own potential medical use, making cannabis its own pharmacy. 

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