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Activation of CB1 and CB2 (& GPR55?) receptor promotes homeostasis of all other body systems.

  • THC  has more mechanisms of action in medical applications of cannabis that any other cannabinoid or terpene. It is the most potent activator of CB1 and CB2 receptor sites. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. 

  • THCA is an anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and anti-epileptic medicine. 

  • THCV reduces the paranoia side effects of THC. It is being studied for use with diabetes it can act as an appetite suppressant.

  • CBD is being studied as an anti-psychotic and anti-epileptic medicine. It has been proven to have extreme anti-inflammatory properties more potent than hydro-cortisone. It also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The US has (had) a patent on CBD as an anti-inflammatory.

  • CBG when combined with THC is a superior pain suppressant (Entourage Effect) 

  • CBN  when combined with THC is a sleep agent (Entourage Effect) 

  • CBC is a potent antibacterial anti-fungal and analgesic.

  • CBDV is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid that shows promise with epilepsy 

There are many other cannabinoids currently under study.


There are no overdose fatalities related with cannabis. Its recorded medical history dates back to 2737 BC used as a medicine by Emperor Shen Neng of China. Cannabis-based textiles found from 7000 BC. 

How It Works: Cancer

  • THC super-activation of CB1 and CB2 receptor sites leads to apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells.

  • CBD lowers expression and translation of the ID-1 gene. Which restricts the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells. High levels of ID-1 are found in the brain, liver, lung, skin, and thyroid gland cancer cells. It is also expressed in fetal cells and umbilical vein endothelial cells. 

Cannabidiol is a major component of the cancer treatment protocol. 

  • non-small cell lung cancer

  • gastric cancer

  • breast cancer

  • prostate cancer

  • melanoma 

  • gliobastoma 

  • hepatocarcinoma 

  • anaplastic thyroid tumer

  • metastasis of certain cancers

Treatments used for just side effects of chemotherapy will be shown in green.


Listed below are ratios proven to help treat the disease given


THC:CBD ratio

Glioblastoma (Brain Cancer)

  • 88 year old male (63kg)  75:30 (Blue Dream : ACDC)

  • 58 year old male (84kg) 350:100 (Candyland : ACDC)

  • 54 year old male (59kg) 300:100 (Blue Dream: ValentineX)

  • 23 year old male (84kg) 300:100 (XJ-13 : ACDC)

  • 61 year old female (55kg) 400:200 (Blue Dream : ValentineX)

  • 50 year old female (77kg) 150:50 (XJ-13 : ACDC) 

  • 28 year old female (63kg) 200:100 (Berry OG : ACDC)

  • 3 year old female (18kg) 400:350 (Sour Diesel : ACDC)

Breast Cancer

  • 45 year old female (63kg) 250:250 (Sour Diesel : ACDC)

  • 47 year old female (59kg) 100:100 (Sour Diesel : ACDC)

  • 43 year old female (61kg) 150:150 (Sour Diesel:ValentineX)

  • 44 year old female (71kg) 150:75 (Blue Dream : ACDC) 

  • 57 year old female (57kg) 30:100 (Pepe Le Pu : ACDC)

  • 35 year old female  (57kg) 30:15 (Sour Diesel : ACDC)

​5 Questions that are most important

  1. What the diagnosis is?

  2. Experience with cannabis?

  3. What other medications are you on?

  4. How old are you?

  5. What is the objective?


How It Works: Epilepsy

(You must have some THC in order to treat Epilepsy)

  • THC activation of CB1 receptors shorts out calciumion pump on pre-synaptic neurons, potentially stopping grand mal seizures. possesses hydrocrotisone-like anti-inflammatory mechanism.

  • CBD proven to reduce seizures and has well-established neuroprotective effects that are at least partially mediated by serotonin receptors.

  • THCA appears to work in a similar way as CBD but more mechanism-of-action studies are needed. Typical use is after patient acclimates to CBD and experiences increased seizure activity. THCA will often replace CBD when it stops working and vice versa. 

  • THCV similar to THC in mechanism of action. Euphoric benefit  present without uncomfortable psycho-activity


7 year old female (35kg) 10.3:250 (ACDC)

How It Works: Intractable Nerve Pain 

4 mechanisms involved with CB1 and CB2 activation by THC

  1. Retards electrochemical reactions at peripheral pain receptors.

  2. Interrupts pain signal at neurons.

  3. Activation of CB2 at leukocytes provides major anti-inflammatory response.

  4. Psychoactive euphoric effects short term memory reduction mitigate stress to pain.



Anti-inflammatory mechanism provides 30-50 times hydro-cortisone relief without shutting down adrenal gland. 


78 year old female  15mg THCA, 5 mg THC, 15mg CBD (OG2xSour : Swiss Gold)

How It Works: Insomnia 

THC many Indica- dominant strains of cannabis contain terpenes such as beta-mycrene and other cannabinoids, like CBN, that will cause somnolence at the correct dose (Importance of the Entourage Effect)

  • Activation of CB1 receptor sites by THC at presynaptic neurons by THC at presynaptic neurons slows neural activity at the synaptic cleft (homeostasis)

  • Activation of CB1 and CB2 receptor sites by THC causes relaxation by stimulating vasodilation of blood vessels (homeostasis) 

  • Anti-anxiety action of THC at correct dose aids sleep. 

CBD mechanisms of action not completely understood as sleep agent. Studies have been done for sleep and wake inducing properties. ​


60 year old male (82kg) 25:0 (Grandaddy Purp) 

How It Works: Hypertension 


  • Activation of CB1 and CB2 receptor sites by THC.

  • causes vasodilation of blood vessels lowering blood pressure.

  • Causes relief of stress by blocking production of acetycholine.

  • Slows down neurotransmission at the synaptic cleft. 


​57 year old male 30 mg THC a day, 13 mg CBD a day infused with olive oil. 

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